RUSHES: Coronavirus: Dr David Bauer interview / Francis Crick Institute GVs

Coronavirus: Dr David Bauer interview / Francis Crick Institute GVs; ENGLAND: London: King's Cross: Francis Crick Institute: INT Dr David Bauer (Francis Crick Institute) interview SOT (1 of 2) Q: Looking at vaccines, what have you found? - So they key message from our finding Pfizer, those who have had 2 doses, have 5-6 fold lower of the neutralising antibodies. Block virus from getting into cells in first place. 1 dose less likely to have See older you are, lower levels likely to be Time since 2nd jab, lower likely to be Shows need to prioritise boosters for older. Q: How long did this take? - One of things Crick can do well, bring people from lots of disciplines. Virologist, immunologists, with statisticians and data programmers. Able to get virus from NHS lab, via Imperial College. Once virus in house, virus to data in 3-5 days
Coronavirus: Dr David Bauer interview / Francis Crick Institute GVs; ENGLAND: London: King's Cross: Francis Crick Institute: INT Dr David Bauer (Francis Crick Institute) interview SOT (1 of 2) Q: Looking at vaccines, what have you found? - So they key message from our finding Pfizer, those who have had 2 doses, have 5-6 fold lower of the neutralising antibodies. Block virus from getting into cells in first place. 1 dose less likely to have See older you are, lower levels likely to be Time since 2nd jab, lower likely to be Shows need to prioritise boosters for older. Q: How long did this take? - One of things Crick can do well, bring people from lots of disciplines. Virologist, immunologists, with statisticians and data programmers. Able to get virus from NHS lab, via Imperial College. Once virus in house, virus to data in 3-5 days

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Redaktionell #:
Erstellt am:
4. Juni 2021
Hochgeladen am:
Kein Release verfügbar. Weitere Informationen
United Kingdom
Gemastert mit:
QuickTime 8-bit H.264 HD 1920x1080 25p
Ursprüngliches Film-/Videoformat:
1080 25i