The Diamond Ring and the End of Totality. - Stock-Fotografie

The great North American total eclipse 2017, This is the moment when totality comes to an end and the famous diamond ring is visible, the sun's corona is also still visible with the star Regulus, this is the brightest star in the constellation of Leo and one of the brightest stars in the night sky, lying approximately 79 light years from the Sun (just to the left of the eclipse).
The great North American total eclipse 2017, This is the moment when totality comes to an end and the famous diamond ring is visible, the sun's corona is also still visible with the star Regulus, this is the brightest star in the constellation of Leo and one of the brightest stars in the night sky, lying approximately 79 light years from the Sun (just to the left of the eclipse).
The Diamond Ring and the End of Totality.
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Getty ImagesThe Diamond Ring And The End Of Totality, Stock-FotoThe Diamond Ring And The End Of Totality, Stock-FotoLaden Sie authentische Premium-Fotos zum Thema The Diamond Ring and the End of Totality. von Getty Images herunter. Entdecken Sie ähnliche hochauflösende Fotos in unserem umfangreichen Bildkatalog.Product #:871362226
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